Print Depot News

How to write Brochures and Newsletters

by | Print Depot News

Your company brochures should concentrate on the benefits for your customers. If they get benefits from using your company then they will think your company is great. Let them make the connection. Good design is important, colour will help with retention, white space will make it easier to read. Avoid clutter, keep wording to a minimum.

When writing a newsletter make sure the information is relevant and understandable. Don’t try to squeeze in too much. Use colourful images and a mix of interesting and informative articles. It is often helpful to use humour where applicable.

Proof-read again and again!  Then give it to someone else to proof read. Spelling and grammar are very important. There is nothing worse than seeing mis-spelling and bad grammar in a publication.  It makes a bad impression. It indicates a lack of professionalism, no attention to detail and a general feeling of not caring about your company appearance.

Think about the size and shape of your brochure. If you dare to be different you may catch peoples attention but make sure the document is fit for purpose. Keep your message clear, stay focused on the purpose of the booklet. Be sure that if you are sending it out by post that it will fit in a standard envelope and be aware of the final weight to keep postage costs down.

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