Print Depot News

Clear the Clutter

by | Print Depot News

Every so often, you’ll read an article in a newspaper or magazine recommending that you clear the clutter from your life.

This can be anything from doing a major clear-out of your wardrobe to ditching personal relationships that are causing you grief.

But clearing the clutter is also a great piece of advice when it comes to design and print.

Frequently companies try to say so much in a piece of printed communication that they end up saying nothing. In other words, if it is so packed with information then it becomes too much to digest.

So next time you’re designing and printing some sales or marketing collateral, make sure you leave some white space.

This is a very simple technique that ensures your reader will not be put off by an overpowering amount of copy or images.

And strange as it may seem, you’ll end up communicating more – because more of your messaging will now make its way through to your reader.

Very definitely, when it comes to print, less truly can be more.

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